
Weak in hand-to-hand combat, good shot, light coal consumption when shooting, highly resistant to fatigue, fast training speed.

By decree on March, 12 1804, special voltigeur companies were created in battalions of light infantry. Later, similar companies were created in the line infantry battalions, as well.

For creating these companies, the best marksmen were selected from experienced and distinguished soldiers; it is interesting that many them turned out to be short in height (as well as their Emperor - Napoleon Bonaparte).

"Voltiger" - in French means to flit and voltigeurs really lived up to their name. They had greater endurance compared to other soldiers, and owing to less bulky muskets, they had better mobility.

Voltigeurs were armed with dragoon shortened muskets, bayonets and half-sabers. On battlefields, voltigeurs moved as skirmishers in front of other infantry lines, firing accurately at the enemy from long distances to bring down officers and reduce morale. In addition they were guarded flanks of less mobile infantry during realignment or maneuvering.

Voltigeur companies were considered elite troops. They were the implementation of Bonaparte's plan to reward all brave soldiers and sharpshooters who were unable to join the grenadiers or carabineers, due to their lack of size. Despite much skepticism, the establishment of such troops proved a wise decision.